The Costa Mesa Observer, May 29th, 2004
"It sucks that I still have to ride my bike everywhere despite being in Grandpa's body." 18-year-old Jason Clarkson is another victim of the recent rash of unexplained phenomena: people waking up in the wrong bodies. When Jason woke up in the morning of April 17th, he was not expecting to find his chest covered in hairs and his grandfather's calloused hands in front of him. Six weeks have passed since this incident and the Clarkson family has had to make major adjustments. Like other teenagers in similar situations, Jason has been excused from attending a public school and permitted to complete his degree through at-home lessons. 62-year old Phillip Clarkson is Jason's paternal grandfather and lived at home with his son and his family and has been retired for 6 years. Philip has been invited to come out of retirement and offered a position as head foreman of the factory that employed him for 50 years. At the time of writing Mr. Philip Clarkson was not available f...